
Ali Kat is a writer, model, musician, and performance artist. Despite pursuing an educational background in funeral and laboratory sciences, artistic endeavors were always a primary passion and focus. They’ve performed internationally and had photos and writing published in various online and print formats. Ali hails from Kespukwitk, but currently resides in Tkaronto.


Writing is among one of my earliest passions. From the time I was young, I kept a notebook nearby to jot down ideas. In a world that seems too loud, books have long been a source of comfort for me. More than just a creative outlet, writing became an urge so all-consuming that I had to surrender to it.

I made my literary debut when I teamed up with a well-known Canadian punk author, to write a novelette. His encouragement prompted me to not turn my back on my craft, and to trust in the creative process, even when it doesn’t seem to flow effortlessly. May these pages provide me with the means to ‘sit down at the keyboard and bleed’. Thanks for reading.


Standing in a bar one night, a beautiful woman approached me. I don’t remember how she introduced herself, but the way she looked at me made me wonder if she might be hitting on me. I discovered that she was an art director, and wanted me to pose for her alternative life drawing class. We exchanged information, and soon I was naked, posing in front of rooms of people while they sketched me.

Life drawing led to flash photography, where I had the pleasure of working with some highly talented photographers. I’ve always strived to maintain my artistic integrity, and endeavour only to work with people who uphold that standard. You might have noticed the tattoos, and a few, shall we say ‘unique’ features that prevent me from tapping into mainstream modelling; that is of course until we embrace diversity, and find beauty in the unconventional.


I practice the safe and consensual art of body suspension, also referred to as flesh hook suspension. My crew and I are highly trained professionals – do not try to duplicate any of the results you see here. I encourage you to contact me with any questions you may have about suspension, but please come with an open mind. If there is something you see that you find offensive, simply look away.

Get in touch!

I'm not always accepting new work, but I am on the lookout for interesting projects.

Shoot me a line!


15 + 6 =